Received today this email from SBA List:
Washington, D.C. – Today the president of the Susan B. Anthony List commented on radical pro-abortion activist Dawn Johnsen, whose nomination was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and currently awaits a floor vote.
While Johnsen served as the legal counsel for National Abortion & Reproductive Rights Action League (now NARAL Pro-Choice America), she authored numerous legal opinions rejecting any and all restrictions on abortion. Some notable quotes from Johnsen’s amicus curiae brief in the case Webster v. Reproductive Health Services include
“Abortion restrictions ‘reduce pregnant women to no more than fetal containers.’”
“The argument that women who become pregnant have in some sense consented to the pregnancy belies reality…and others who are the inevitable losers in the contraceptive lottery no more ‘consent’ to pregnancy than pedestrians ‘consent’ to being struck by drunk drivers.”
“The experience [of abortion] is no longer traumatic; the response of most women to the experience is relief.”
Johnsen awaits a floor vote by the full U.S. Senate to gain confirmation to head the Office of Legal Counsel.

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