True, I don’t know any more about the Tiger Woods affair than anyone else – probably less, now that I think of it, considering that I don’t watch television. But I read reports like this one and shake my head in disbelief. No doubt there are plenty of other factors involved – human affairs are, after all, reasonably complex. But wouldn’t his life be less complicated if he had managed to, you know, behave like a married man who takes his marriage vows seriously? Millions of men manage; why couldn’t he? I’ve tried both marriage and golf and while I would hesitate to call marriage a picnic, it’s a heck of a lot easier than playing par.
Puzzled update: Why are Globe female columnists so determined to excuse him? First it was Margaret Wente, now Lysiane Gagnon.

Perhaps they would be tempted to cheat with him? if they were given half a chance. It seems that looks in men count for something in the world, it used to be that women had to have looks and men brains, but that has changed. Good looks seem to excuse many faults, as does money.
Yeah, he’s a real gentleman. I especially like the bit about how he “jealously guarded his private life.” Well gee, I wonder why!