A friend recently attended a reproductive justice conference. The pro-choice experts didn’t refer to those of us on this side of the debate as “pro-lifers” (generally our preferred designation) or “anti-choicers,” but simply as the “Antis.”
Example of common usage: “Faye believes that unborn children are human beings deserving of respect, value and dignity. Faye is an Anti.”
Le sigh.
Andrea adds: Funny. On a different, but related note, I would personally very much love it if all PWPL readers could commit, sign a pledge, whatever it takes, to never using “poor-choicers” instead of “pro-choicers.” I don’t think our readers do. That said, I’ve seen it from pro-lifers of goodwill and to me, it is asking for someone to poke fun at you. And when I get made fun of, I like it to be for the right reasons.
Andrea adds again: I suppose I should ask whether your friend learned anything useful?
Faye adds: He did. Perhaps we can blog about it at some point. Hmm… (And there I leave off the longest PWPL thread in history.)

We could probably actually appropriate that label fairly easily. Instead of being the “antis” we could call ourselves the “aunties”, you know, like those beloved ladies like most of us have in our lives, the ones we go to when we need love, advice, and support.
Just a thought.