A fun read, especially this bit:
There isn’t a single body of women in Canada that receives federal or provincial funding that is not ideology-driven, and that includes the Liberal Women’s Caucus. The Pink Book III is rife with debunked statistics – for example, that old chestnut about women earning 70% of what men make; come on, we know that figure mainly reflects self- selection out of areas of higher personal demand so that women can spend more time with their children, a choice they happily make.
As for caregiving: Yes, women do more caregiving of those they love and in whose wellbeing they are highly invested. That’s to say there is personal reward in the sacrifice. And men do more fighting and dying in Afghanistan and saving people in burning buildings and slogging through crap in sewers for people they don’t even know, but somehow we don’t hear so much about those crummy jobs whose only reward is honour fulfilled and pride in supporting one’s family.
It’s almost as if men and women are, you know, different, each with their own strengths and weaknesses and advantages and disadvantages.
Wow, now that is a shocking idea. Of course, to admit it would be a truly revolutionary act, and somehow I don’t think we can expect Michael Ignatieff to be supporting those home truths any time soon.
Andrea adds: I want this job. It’s long been a dream of mine to entirely eradicate Status of Women Canada.
If an honest gender commissioner were ever appointed, he – whoops, clearly I mean she, ha ha, what was I thinking – would recommend the complete dismantlement of all women’s government-funded lobby groups.

Great to see someone relaying information that may not be politically correct but is correct.
I always assumed the 70% figure used to be accurate, but is probably outdated now.