A beautiful video of twins just born and being bathed has gone viral. They appear to be as peaceful and entwined as they would be in the security and warmth of their mother’s womb.
The comments on this video are quite touching:
- It took me a while to comprehend what was going on but I think I got it: The twins were born, but they haven’t realized that they’re separate yet. They are still so incredibly entwined that they cling to each other like one unit. Am I getting this right?
- Am I the only person tearing up at this? There’s something very powerful about the silence, about their calmness, that should be very encouraging to anyone about to have children, while they’re still pregnant. Who’d have thought we could witness this kind of serenity, this way? And yes, I’m now the proud but exhausted parent of two great boys, 5 and 3.