My title is a fairly accurate paraphrase from our esteemed education minister here in Ontario. No comment, just read this, and let it sink in:
Broten also said publicly-funded Catholic schools in Ontario should not be teaching students that abortion is wrong because the anti-bullying law prohibits misogyny. “Taking away a woman’s right to choose could arguably be considered one of the most misogynistic actions that one could take,” she said. “I don’t think there is a conflict between choosing Catholic education for your children and supporting a woman’s right to choose.”
So now Catholic schools in Ontario will be forced to have gay-straight alliances, but pro-life clubs are out?
Melissa says
The right to choose what, exactly? I love how the media keep quoting people saying “Women have a right to choose” and then not actually commenting that, indeed, abortion is not a right in this country. I mean, the media aren’t *exactly* lying if they are accurately quoting someone else’s falsehood. Fair and balanced, my patootie!
If you repeat a lie over and over again, it doesn’t magically turn into the truth. Do you suppose that the “Women have the right to an abortion in this country” lie has been repeated often enough that the editors don’t actually know they are spreading misinformation?