Bernard Nathanson has passed away at the age of 84. Initially one of the founders of the abortion rights movement in the USA, his conversion to becoming a supporter of the pro-life cause was an amazing turn around for someone so embedded in the abortion world. It would be as if Henry Morgentaler changed his mind tomorrow. He is also the doctor who said they made up the numbers of women dying from unsafe abortions, as they did with the numbers of women undergoing illegal abortions. I remember reading his autobiography, The Hand of God and thinking how mundane his change of heart was… there were no bolts of lightening, no visions from on high. He (as I recall, it’s been a while since I read the book) basically realized one day he couldn’t deliver babies on one floor of a hospital and kill them on another.
A life story of redemption and courage.
Brigitte adds: His documentary, The Silent Scream (warning: graphic) was an important turning point for me. I used to be against abortion, but this film made me want to do more – in particular help Andrea launch and maintain this website. I challenge every pro-choicer to watch it.
Christina says
Nathanson described in his first book the Gosnellesque characters legalized abortion attracted. Too bad nobody but the prolifers listened.