She was swish last year, she’s swish this year again. Except that this year, I like to think I helped out on the swishiness factor, because I went dress shopping with Brigitte.
The event is Politics and the Pen, a fundraiser for The Writers’ Trust, and writers are paired up with politicians to host a table and entertain folks. Our very own Brigitte is one such writer–(you did know she’s written books, on top of everything else, one of them is here)–and so she will be the witty and charming hostess with the mostess at a table tonight. She says wine always helps–and where doesn’t it, I ask–however Brigitte is charming enough all on her own.
Brigitte blushes a bit: Actually, Andrea was my good-luck charm. It’s a very fine dress we found (any dress that makes a girl look thinner than she is is worth its weight in platinum). Which, come to think of it, is almost what this one cost… But hey, at least my hair will not cost as much as this.
Andrea is a good luck charm and is also secretly hoping to borrow said dress should the need arise. But don’t think of that now. I’m going swimming and playing hockey tonight. No word of a lie. Some of us are swishy, others are sporty (wait a second, Brigitte is both…)

Congratulations! And swishy dresses are fun! (Except maybe for the undergarments required to wear with some of them.)
As for Ms. Aniston . . . geez, I don’t know. She could have had her hair done at Supercuts and I don’t think anybody would have known the difference.