When I read about “brochoice” I did a blog post too. But I was really angry and Faye cordially suggested that we not publish that one. Friends don’t let friends publish angry rants.
So thankfully, Miss Rebecca Richmond at National Campus Life Network was able to collect herself and write something useful. Bravo, Rebecca. You have succeeded where others have failed.
For the uninitiated, “Brochoice” is part of the Texas Debacle–fighting over new pro-woman, pro-life legislation down south has gotten ugly in that state. “Brochoice” is what happens when a man decides he needs to motivate men to stand up against the new legislation, which raises standards in abortion clinics and outlaws abortions when the baby could actually be born alive. Why does he stand up to make his voice heard? Because restrictions on abortion put a damper on your casual sex life.
It is so good to see men standing up for the ladies.
If you’d like to read more about Brochoice, take it away, Rebecca. I can feel my blood pressure rising and it’s early in the day.
Faye adds: Well, I think friends can let friends post ‘angry’ rants. It’s when it comes to explosive, incendiary or nuclear rants that a friend should offer another perspective.
Seraphic says
I’m not surprised you’re angry. But, yes, it’s also an opportunity. Pro-lifers have been pointing out for years that widespread and “normalized” abortion is a way for men to get more casual sex for free and to shirk their responsibilities towards their children. And frankly selfish articles like this and like that super-creepy video with Mehcad (Meh, cad!) Brooks just underscore what we’ve been saying all along.
David says
I appreciate the continued constructive nature of PWPL. I remember when the World Journalism Institute began and among other things it purposed to train journalists to a.) ‘Write what was true.’ and b.) ‘Be edifying.’. One can be angry and be truthful and be edifying.
Joel says
Faye, you spoilsport! 🙂 First you rob us of the chance to read a rant. And then you tell us that it wasn’t just a rant, it was an “incendiary,” “explosive,” “nuclear” rantacular thing. (Yes, little Johnny, you know that bike I was going to get you for Christmas, but didn’t? It wasn’t any ordinary bike; it came complete with a GPS, jet pack, ejector seat and parachute. Yes, that was the bike I didn’t get you. Hope you liked your plastic wristwatch …)
She tantalizes us; she mocks us; she is Lucy with the football!!!!!!!!!!
(Kidding, of course. Glad that bloggers have better judgment than some of us readers … 🙂 )
Andrea Mrozek says
Joel, you are funny. It’s been deleted now, otherwise I would have considered sending it just to you.
Actually, though it happens less now, I still struggle with what is or ought to be public information. (That one, apparently, ought not. Thanks Faye.)
Faye Sonier says
Bahahaha. Joel, that has got to be one of the funniest PWPL comments yet.
Brigid says
“Brochoice” is so ludicrous that I wonder if its aim is to satirize the ideology of “choice,” and to reveal the hypocrisy of those who pretend to support “reproductive rights” (abortion), but really are acting out of self-interest. If that is the case, then Brochoice is absolutely brilliant.