I wrote about this issue over at the ActivateCFPL blog:
Over the last few weeks, public comment on the issue makes it apparent that there is still confusion surrounding the funding of abortion procedures in Canada.
Joyce Arthur wrote a piece at Rabble.com where she lambasted Campaign Life Coalition’s Defund Abortion campaign; painting the protestors as naïve, uninformed activists fighting for a hopeless cause. Two weeks ago, a letter written by Health Minister Deb Matthews was made public and also garnered attention…
Contrary to the arguments that some pro-choice advocates advance, determining which medical procedures may or may not be considered “medically necessary” in Canada is no easy task. Actually, it’s a bit of nightmare for everyone, from seasoned judges to patients simply seeking medical care.
Read the rest here.

On the topic of what is considered medically necessary, perhaps we should consider that prostetic eyes are not considered medically necessary. When I received my prostetic eye a year ago, I discovered that Ontario only covers 75% of the cost, leaving the remaining $500 to me. Does this government seriously expect me to walk around the community with an empty eye socket? I’m not sure many others would be ok with that, and I know I wouldn’t. Thankfully, the Ontario Disability Support Program paid for the extra $500, and I have a very astetic thing in my socket here that nobody ever realises is fake.
If having a replacement bodypart is not medically necessary, then why should abortion be medically necessary?