Expect the unexpected: Heather Mallick’s commentary on C-36 hearings is good.
Childless people often don’t consider a central issue in prostitution: would you want your daughter to do this for a living? If you are blithe about this question, you do not have a teenage daughter who is rebellious or indeed walks along a local prostitution “stroll” on her way to school. I have talked to career brothel managers, to pimps, who got defensive about this. But then some people don’t like their children in the first place, another issue that runs very deep beneath the prostitution story.
I’ve bolded the parts I find most interesting. People who blithely say we should de-criminalize don’t appear to care about where it happens or who does it. And this is the family angle on the whole thing–can we not have communities that at least pretend to think that children are the future?
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