Well. It would be a debate worth watching, to be sure. Stephanie Gray of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform is calling Hedy Fry out. MP Hedy Fry says she would like to debate abortion, that she has all her facts ready, but that it just isn’t necessary:
But Liberal MP Hedy Fry says the government is trying to confuse the issues about what’s really up for debate.
“Nobody’s talking about Canada here; we’re supposed to be talking about the developing world.”
Fry says she has all her arguments ready and is set to debate anyone on the topic, but she feels it’s unnecessary. Because the question in Canada is settled; so there’s no need to re-examine it. Fry accuses the government of trying to have it both ways – to not offend one side of the debate – while giving the other at least part of what it wants.
I know that people like Hedy Fry think I’m part of the flat-earth society for being pro-life. But here’s the reason why they should debate the flat-earthers. We’re growing and thriving, getting louder and stronger by the day. We need correction, Hedy! And since you are so clearly in the right, you should really talk about that so that fewer young people (like me) go off the rails. A debate is a good format for that.
I personally, would love to see Stephanie Gray debate Hedy Fry. And Stephanie has just issued the challenge. Hey–let’s make it two against two! Stephanie Gray and Andrea Mrozek against Hedy Fry and Carolyn Bennett. Food for thought. Would be much fun.
Brigitte adds: Lorne Gunter puts his finger on it very nicely indeed.

I’ll bring popcorn if it happens. We’ll let you know if there are any bites…
I’ll pitch in $20 for your plane ticket if it comes to pass. You have my email.