“Euthanasia is about killing, not the ‘right to die with dignity’“. So true. A piece by Ottawa’s own Brian Lilley.
Brigitte likes this paragraph:
What Lalonde’s bill proposes to do is allow active euthanasia which requires a planned and purposeful act such as a doctor giving a patient a lethal injection. In the United States lethal injection has been challenged in court as a cruel and unusual punishment for death row inmates, here in Canada we have banned the death penalty as inhumane, too fraught with mistakes. Now Parliament is considering allowing the sick to be given what we find unacceptable for criminals.

Alex Scadenberg, director of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, says that the debate is framed, as abortion was, in terms of “choice”. All about my choice to end my life.
As Alex says, this is a lie, because “your choice” makes someone else cooperate with you. It’s not just your choice, it affects others. Autonomy is seen to trump everyone else’s good.