A good letter to the editor about the pending euthanasia debate can be found here:
Any doctor worth their salt knows that you do not have to kill someone at the end of life. They know that there is a chasm of difference between the possible secondary effect of pain management, which rarely, but may, hasten death and the actual purposeful intent to kill a patient. We will have the debate, I am sure. It will be headlined with the fearmongering which has kept step with euthanasia’s progress across the globe. We have regressed to the point where we want to judge some lives not worthy of life and, in that judgment, sanction their execution. We will not call it that, of course, in order not to distress societal sensitivities.
The author is Jakki Jeffs, who runs Alliance for Life in Guelph. She is this wonderful, warm lady with a dramatic flare and a fantastic (British?) accent. She’s also involved in getting ads on the airwaves about life, which I think is a critical way to reach people–remind them of stuff that really matters in the middle of House or CSI.
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