See what’s happening in Sweden:
.- Sweden, which legalized abortion in 1938, has taken its abortion extremism one step further by legalizing “gender based” abortion which allows a mother to decide to abort her baby solely due to his or her sex.
The Local reported that a pregnant woman in South Sweden, who already has two girls, arrived at Mälaren Hospital and inquired whether or not she would be giving birth to another girl. She went on to tell her doctors that her previous two pregnancies ended in abortion because she did not want to have another girl – and if this child was another girl, she would have it aborted as well.
Doctors expressed concern over this and brought it to the attention of Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare. They asked how to handle requests where doctors felt “pressured to examine the [fetus’s] gender” without a medical rationale.
The Board came back and said that requests to for abortions based on a child’s gender cannot be refused.
When you maintain that abortion is only a matter of choice, and that it only concerns the pregnant women in question, that’s where you end up. Don’t believe for one minute that this can’t happen here. In fact, as Andrea can tell you, it already is happening here and nobody is doing anything about it.
Andrea is really disgusted: But also adds–this is what “family planning” means. It means you get to plan your family, dotting “i”s and crossing “t”s–controlling the minute aspects, which in this unprecedented age, we can control. Just a couple of years ago, this would not have been possible. Have two girls already? Get rid of the next couple as you try for the boy. Because you want a boy. Now if you are pro-choice, this really, really shouldn’t bother you. This is what they wanted–they being the Planned Parenthood types of the world. I hate to be so harsh, but when they said we should be able to “plan parenthood” including abortion when all else fails, did they honestly mean to exclude choices about sex?
Rebecca adds: “I hate to be so harsh, but when they said we should be able to “plan parenthood” including abortion when all else fails, did they honestly mean to exclude choices about sex?”
The grim but blackly funny part is that in my opinion, this is exactly what the abortion lobby wanted – abortion in any and all cases, except when it gores their sacred cow. And most of them still don’t see the difference. A number of gay rights activists (in the US more than here) oppose abortion, full stop, because they think that when the genetic basis for gay identity (sorry for the question begging) is discovered, people might abort gay fetuses. The thing is, they have the intellectual integrity to work backwards and realize that if they don’t want babies being aborted for being gay (or likely to become gay), they also have to speak up against babies being aborted for being the wrong sex, or having other medical problems.
If we can use this as a lever to get feminists to rethink abortion, I’m glad. But as I’ve said before, it is no more or less offensive or immoral to abort a baby because it’s the wrong sex than it is because it’s conceived at the wrong time, or because it was conceived with a guy you’ve since broken up with, or because it has the wrong chromosomes.

In Europe it was always suggested very strongly that you have to have a boy. It doesn’t justify in any way what is happening now, in Europe and all around the world.
When I was pregnant the second time, my firstborn being a girl, I was getting lots of good wishes for a boy. I was furious with people for having the guts to wish me this. Being generally a polite person I just overlooked it and waited for the moment of the baby’s birth.
I just wanted to add that pro-life gays and lesbians oppose abortion not just because it could theoretically lead to their elimination, but because (like homophobia), it denies fellow human beings their full humanity and rights. The Pro-life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians (PLAGAL) states:
We believe in the intrinsic right to life
of all individuals regardless of race,
gender, religion, sexual orientation —
born or unborn.
From: Human Rights Start When Human Life Begins,