The Canadian Memorial for the Unborn is well on its way to becoming a reality. Don’t be misled because PWPL is an anti-abortion website, the memorial is for women who have experienced pregnancy loss of any kind, be it abortion or miscarriage. This kind of loss lives in the shadowlands for many. The creation of a memorial not only helps others understand that these losses are real, it of course offers a place for anyone to come and sit, reflect, pray, mourn or remember.
This initiative is well on its way to becoming a reality–but it’s not quite there yet. This is where YOU come in–you can help make this beautiful statue, which will be placed somewhere, most likely in Ottawa, a reality by donating some money. They need to raise a mere $10, 500 more.
Help if you can. Abortion and miscarriage are far too common and in our busy lives, creating a beautiful space where we recognize the loss will help people heal.

The Canadian Memorial for the Unborn

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