The question: Is abortion a woman’s right or a moral wrong?
The date: Wednesday, March 19th, 7-9 pm
The place: 103 Steacie Building, Carleton University, Ottawa
Stephanie Gray from the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform will represent the pro-life side and the Carleton Debate Society will present the pro-choice side. Guess the ladies of Planned Parenthood called uncle after the last round against Jojo Ruba in December 2006. Now I think this debate will go ahead: The student union can hardly afford to cancel it, given all the negative publicity York U just received.
Still, our friendly totalitarian, Kelly Holloway of the York University Student Centre is busy justifying just how and why she shut down the abortion debate at York in the Ottawa Citizen today. Read all about it! here…
Véronique adds: Read the letter. I’d hate to see what an un-friendly totalitarian sounds like.
My question is if the student union is not accountable – specifically – to conservative pundits, are they accountable to liberal pundits?
If moral considerations pertaining to abortion are personal, what makes yours righter than mine?
What makes an “entitlement” to an environment free of harassment and intimidation weightier than a right – a Charter right I must add – to freedom of expression?
Who decides?
I don’t need an answer today…
Tanya adds: Kelly Holloway says,”York University can make its own decisions and, if the York University president wishes to host a debate organized by these anti-choice campaigners, the university will have to take responsibility for that.”
I’m happy to see they are attempting in some way to show students there are responsibilities to be accepted for choices made. Does anyone else think they may be nullifying this lesson just a tad by advocating for consequence-free sex?
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