This is a blog about why being anti-abortion is a pro-woman position. I am concerned with restoring a life-friendly approach in the culture, of which politics and the courts are a part.
So let me say this: the Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch looks very good. And in tumultuous, troubled times, it is good when good people are seated at the highest court. Pro-life people can and should celebrate selection.
Abortion isn’t the only issue of our day. There are so many to be concerned about. But I firmly believe that when we get the big things wrong, which we are today, by killing at the beginning and the end of life, then we get a multitude of other things wrong flowing from that. I also believe, and this should be the subject of a much longer post, that when we get life wrong, we get a host of other stupid, wrong laws in something of an attempt to cover up for other sins or alternatively, simply because when you get life wrong, other bad things happen. You can’t kill babies and/or elderly and disabled folks without ramifications somewhere. (Question: If we had a thriving and growing population, aka, if we actually had babies, would anyone really care where our immigrants came from?) I’ll try and expand this point later.
For now, let me say only this: I applaud Gorsuch’s nomination. He’s not a nominee Hillary Clinton would have chosen.