The law to raise standards at abortion clinics was signed into law and as result, abortion clinics in Texas are closing:
The most significant abortion center closure — in the 40 years of legalized abortion since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision– was made public today when Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Inc. announced that it was shutting down its abortion facility in Bryan/College Station, Texas after fifteen tumultuous years in business.
Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life campaign director, said: “As the birthplace of 40 Days for Life and the place where Abby Johnson resigned after eight years working for America’s largest abortion chain, this is a huge victory for the entire pro life movement! Peaceful and prayerful local opposition to abortion is ending abortion from the grassroots up.
This news comes courtesy of 40 Days for Life.
Make no mistake: These were not places that “help” women or their health. We can celebrate these closures as the victory that they are.
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