The first thing I ever saw in 3D was Ghostbusters. I was six years old at the time, and I couldn’t get over just how real Slimer looked as he flew past my face. It was all I talked about for days, weeks, years afterward. Slowly, my interest in 3D waned and once again found myself content with the world of 2D entertainment.
3D cinema has come a long way since then, Pixar films, Avatar… but it’s still appealing to the younger audience. So when I read this article from The Chronicle Herald about Playboy going 3D, I was a little confused. Maybe their marketing department got the demographics all wrong.
Hefner makes no secret of hoping to capitalize on the popularity of 3D movies such as Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon, even as he makes no secret of not quite getting what all the fuss is about.
“I’m not a huge enthusiast of 3D,” he said in a telephone interview. “I leave real life to go to the movies and 2D is fine with me.”
Because you’re a grown-up, and isn’t Playboy for grown-ups?

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