Despite what I know about China’s one child policy, gendercide and forced abortions, I am still stunned and horrified by this story:
The Chinese government recently admitted that over the last four decades the country has aborted 336 million unborn children, many of them forcibly…
To put the numbers in perspective, the 336 million deaths in China are:
• More than the entire population of the world at the time of the Crusades (c. 1100 AD).
• Equal to the entire combined populations of the United States and Australia.
• More deaths than were caused by (in millions): the Bubonic Plague in Europe (100), the Great Chinese Famine (45), the 1918 Influenza Pandemic (40), the HIV/AIDS pandemic (25), the Holocaust (13), the Soviet famine of 1932-1933 (8), the Russian famine of 1921 (3), and the American Civil War (.8).
• More than all the people killed in the 10 ten deadliest wars in human history (Based on highest estimates (in millions): World War II (72), World War I (65), Mongol Conquest (60), An Lushan Rebellion (36), Taiping Rebellion (30), Qing Dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty (25), Conquests of Timur (20), Dungan Revolt (12), Russian Civil War (9), Second Congo War (5.4))
• More than all the children that will be born in the world over the next ten years.
Andrea adds: If abortion doesn’t horrify you, then neither will these numbers. Perhaps the forced part might horrify some. But other than that, we are in little position to judge, with our modern western provision of abortion on demand. In our world today, this is 336 million medical procedures, nothing more.

The link to how many children will be born over the next ten years looks like they took the ‘births this year’ and multiplied it by 10….but the year is only a quarter done now, so their estimate is off by like…7.5 years.