Folks. There are a lot of pro-life events coming up. Here’s a short list.
September 25: Toronto Right to Life—Hart House, at University of Toronto, yours truly speaking. Topic? The New Face of Feminism
September 26-28: National Campus Life Association conference, also in the Toronto area. I believe registration for this has closed
October 2-4: International Life Conference, Toronto
October 5: Life Chain
and finally, September 24 to November 2: something called 40 Days for Life is coming to Ottawa.
So much activity, so little time—pick your event and come on out.

’40 Days For Life’ will also be going on in Halifax,NS. Same time. (Also in 168 cities across the US)
One more event that wasn’t mentioned: October 2-4, the International Pro-Life Conference, ‘Creating a Culture of Life Around the Globe’:
I am a nurse and I see a lot of woman post the abortion procedure in emergency. I have not met one who was happy with the decision she made. They all are emotionally very troubled and sad with what has happened. According to abortion procedures, these women should have gotten counselling and the complications and after effects of abortion need to be explained. Again, talking to these women I have not met one who has had counselling and do not understand how an abortion may limit their chances of getting pregnant later in life and other complications due to the abortion. Most women that I have talked to have the abortion out of fear of family reaction, friends and/or the boyfriend wanted it in order for the relationship to continue.
I do not call this pro choice. This is happening to the majority of abortions in our country. Pro choice means making an informed decision. This is not happening with the women that I come in contact with that come in with abortion complications. Also quite a few women who have had abortions in the past are now becoming pregnant and having miscarriages.