So that’s why I’ll post this item about Canada’s high infant mortality rate…
Prada said Canada’s relatively high infant mortality rate — the rate at which infants die before their first birthday — may be due to a high number of premature births and fertility programs increasing the number of multiple births, along with a variety of socio-economic and environmental factors
…while reminding you of this item, about how abortion is correlated with the subsequent premature delivery of wanted pregnancies.,%201988-2005.pdf
97,000 abortions in 2005. Huh. I was expecting higher. Well, I don’t imagine it’s changed by too much in four years.
Canada population 33,000,000… probably fair to assume around half of those are women, which is 16,500,000. That comes to an abortion rate of one in 170 women, ignoring the even rarer serial abortions… No, I can’t imagine that having much of an impact. It’s just not enough abortions to be statistically significent on it’s own. At most it’s one of many contributing factors.