A recent study shows a correlation between emotional distress and imperfect contraceptive use. Read more here.
Between 10 and 20 percent of women reported that noncompliant behavior with their current method negatively affected work activities and their relationship with their partner, and about 3 percent had missed days of work or school. A higher percentage of pill users reported that they were ‘worried’ or ‘scared’ (68.8 percent and 22.6 percent respectively) compared with women using the skin patch (61.7 percent and 19 percent) or the vaginal ring (58.3 percent and 16.4 percent).
60 to 70 percent of hormonal contraception users regularly feel worried? Many have problems at work and in their relationships? This is definitely a stark contrast to the confident, liberated women portrayed in the commercials. Where’s the disclaimer that states “results not typical?”

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