And no, I’m not talking about Diane Francis. It’s me I’m slightly concerned about. I’m on a jogging kick and so I head out to hit the trails daily now with my iPod. Very Nike commercial-esque if you ask me. As I go, I listen to music. And who can help but sing along to some of these hits. I’m the jogging, singing backup for Boney M. (Long time ago in Bethlehem…) Good times.
Then this morning I got into the office early and started the day by singing carols loudly over the phone to my nieces. I’m told that I got a standing ovation or the rough equivalent thereof from a baby who is not yet quite standing.
The thing is I am quite enthusiastic about some of this music. So an early question (not the first one, but an early one) when I Meet my Maker will be Why such enthusiasm, but very little talent?
Musings for the morning.

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