I’m trying to think when Dads went out of style:
Iron Chef Cat Cora is cookin’ up a baby — and so is her wife Jennifer! Both expecting boys, Jennifer, 37, will deliver in April, while Cat, 41, is due in July. The couple’s new sons are from the same sperm donor as their older boys, Caje, 23 months and Zoran, 5. Zoran and the baby Cat is carrying are from Jennifer’s eggs, while Caje is from Cat’s. In Jennifer’s current pregnancy, both women’s embryos were transferred, so the biological mother is unknown. The couple do not to plan to conduct DNA testing to determine this. “[Jennifer] carried my embryo and I carried hers,” Cat explains. “It’s like surrogating, but obviously all of our kids are equal. “It’s really crazy! We decided that having them a year apart is harder than having kids as infants together.”
The good news is that in spite of dads being out, apparently babies are still in. No word yet on what’s going to happen to those huge 70s sunglasses people are wearing.
Tanya wonders: So when these kids are finally old enough to understand how babies are made (which, I’m thinking in this case will take way longer than the average bear) and want to know who their biological mother REALLY is… will the “mothers” cave and do DNA testing? Or will they insist beyond all reason that it’s really not important?
Brigitte says: I’m so glad the needs of the children always come first!
Rebecca adds: Call me a cynic, but I’m wondering how spectacularly ugly and complicated the (highly probable) custody suit will be.
Suzanne A. says
So, no need for dads when you have sperm donors. A short while ago Dr. Phil had Nadya Suleman (aka “Octomom”) on the show. She was fielding questions from the audience when someone asked about the rights and responsibilities of the father of all the children. Dr. Phil jumped in and stated that this man was only the “sperm donor” and not the “father”. There we have it. I always thought that the act of sperm donation, whether naturally through intercourse, or artificially through IVF made a man a father. Guess I was wrong.
Marauder says
Caje and ZORAN? Oh God…
I have a whole range of feelings on gay couples having kids. On the one hand, I do think a lot of different types of people can be good parents, but on the other hand, fatherlessness never seems to turn out spectacularly for anyone (though I don’t know if anyone’s come up with statistics about motherlessness). On the whole I wish gay people who wanted kids would adopt them. Then again, there are places where gay people can’t adopt kids…
Either way, I think Cat and Jennifer’s whole deal with switching embryos and no DNA tests is going to lead to problems down the road.
El says
I’m not sure how homosexuals adopting is any better than having biological children. One could argue that that is even more unfair on the kids. One huge issue to deal with is enough, isn’t it?
I’m not real big on sperm or egg “donation” (isn’t it really, in most cases, a sale?), whether the recipient is heterosexual or homosexual. There’s something distasteful about selling human reproductive material – which is essentially selling one’s own offspring since that is what the sperm or egg will become. I think this is the bigger issue here when considering the needs of the children.
Here is an interesting blog by a woman conceived through anonymous sperm “donation”:
BillyHW says
And some people don’t believe in the death penalty…
Marauder says
“I’m not sure how homosexuals adopting is any better than having biological children.”
Gay people adopting kids = one parentless kid, already born, who now has a mom or a dad though not both. Gay people having biological kids instead of adopting a kid = two kids who don’t have both a mom and a dad, the biological kid and the kid who could have been adopted.