Some coverage of the UofC campus pro-life display, here. That’s a link to CTV, with video too. As usual, the comments are very interesting. Here’s my personal fav–“Andrew” argues he shouldn’t be distracted from his education by, well, learning:
Even giving pro life the argument that a fetus is a person, a woman still has a full right to decide what goes on inside her body.
Also these signs are disruptive to our education. In one of my classes I had a test and while preparing for it, I overheard one of my colleagues saying “I can’t stop thinking about abortions”. Although the comment had a humorous intent it still reflects the disruptive qualities of this “protest” so to speak. Some people are paying a lot of money to attend university and the last thing they need are disruptions about issues irrelevant to them.
The calibre of a university education, and those who want one, continues to climb and climb and climb. Shoot for the stars, Andrew.

I recall those annoying conversations during/before university exams. Funny though, no one complained when the topic was the Iraq War, the 2000 American election, how GW Bush was a ‘monkey’, or ‘fascist’ Israel. I guess I should have spoken up.