Hey…I would never vote for a politician that believes that its okay and promotes the slaughter of innocent human beings in the womb! Many studies also prove that it damages women big time, physically, emotionally and spiritually…I know, I ignorantly did it as a form of birth control…and it was wrong, wrong, wrong. 28 studies declare it is linked to Breast CANCER, 49 studies say it causes pre-mature births in future “wanted” pregnancies, often causing cerebral palsy…and many complications, abortion causes sterility, depression, and many more irreparable damages to WOMEN!
By 3 weeks after conception there is a beating HEART! By 8 weeks, arms, legs, fingers and toes…and from conception ALL of the DNA is there with the potential to live to 70 years old, and make a difference in this world!
Hey…I would never vote for a politician that believes that its okay and promotes the slaughter of innocent human beings in the womb! Many studies also prove that it damages women big time, physically, emotionally and spiritually…I know, I ignorantly did it as a form of birth control…and it was wrong, wrong, wrong. 28 studies declare it is linked to Breast CANCER, 49 studies say it causes pre-mature births in future “wanted” pregnancies, often causing cerebral palsy…and many complications, abortion causes sterility, depression, and many more irreparable damages to WOMEN!
By 3 weeks after conception there is a beating HEART! By 8 weeks, arms, legs, fingers and toes…and from conception ALL of the DNA is there with the potential to live to 70 years old, and make a difference in this world!
Obama is totally pro abortion…pro death…
see http://www.afterabortion.org and http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com and http://www.canadasilentnomore.com