Sigh. Why do I always have to be different? I did not love the movie Bella, so of course it figures The Toronto Star really, really did.
But everyone loves Bella. I have not heard one bad review. So why did I feel like I could not connect with the characters and the story? Some possible answers: I am a robot. OR I expect saccharine Hollywood romance when I sit in a theatre and when I don’t get it, I’m not sure what to do. Perhaps given this crazy world, when a story conveys compassion and real love, it is altogether too confusing. Or perhaps, I have an anti-Toronto Star reflex, which forces me to disagree with their articles even prior to reading them. Je ne sais pas.
In any case, do not trust me and go see the film and decide for yourself. There are some beautiful scenes, and that Eduardo is a beautiful man, in every sense of the word.

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