Whew! I’m glad everyone’s fine. I sure wouldn’t want to try that:
A woman admitted to Montreal’s Royal Victoria Hospital for an induced birth was forced into a do-it-yourself delivery last month, with only her non-medically trained common-law partner to assist.
A hospital official said Wednesday that an investigation is under way.
At about 5 a.m. on May 13, medical help failed to appear even after Karine Lachapelle’s water broke.
Despite attempts to summon help by partner Mark Schouls, who was pushing a nurse-alert button with increasing frequency as Lachapelle’s contractions became more intense, the two delivered their new son, Kristophe, entirely on their own.
Lachapelle pushed the child out past his shoulders and face down, allowing Schouls to get a grip and pull the newborn the rest of the way out, he recounted.
There were no complications, and Kristophe was crying loudly within seconds.
The boy, born at full term weighing six and one-half pounds, remains healthy and perpetually hungry, Lachapelle said Wednesday.

This almost happened to me, minus the induction but plus a 32.5 week gestation and not knowing what condition the baby would be in (she was almost 4lbs and strong as a horse, and is now 6 and still strong as a horse, lol). The doctor never arrived and it was during a shift change – I managed to hold the baby in through a couple of contractions (don’t ask me how) until finally some nurses arrived and the baby pretty much delivered herself (fetal ejection reflex maybe – I didn’t really do anything). It all turned out fine and I was actually glad the doc didn’t make it because he was planning on doing a completely unnecessary episiotomy and the nurse who caught my daughter was a gem.
It does go to show though that much of the time it’s not a complicated thing to give birth. I’m of the mindset that birth is not normally a medical emergency and the less interference the better. An attendant midwife who leaves me alone unless I ask for help is pretty much all that I’d want if I ever do that again.
Great moments in socialism #19385629273641.
My friend (who is due in a few days) found this posted on her bulletin board at work recently . . . maybe it would help? Ha!