So binge drinking is down, except among college students:
in the United States, anyway, reckless drinking is down over all, but not among college students. Among 18- to 20-year-old men who did not attend college, binge drinking declined more than 30 per cent between 1979 and 2006. But among male students it remained at a steady and significant level, while among female students — and this is the really bad news — it went up.
So why do I care is the question? Because my guess is that the culture of “friends with benefits” or one night stands is fuelled by alcohol… i.e., if a girl is sober, she is not likely to jump into bed with a stranger. And this of course links in to issue of abortion for the obvious reason.
Which reminds me of a study a psychologist friend sent me. An unethical study done in the early ’80s but nonetheless, since it was done, the findings are kind of interesting:
To summarise the experiment, five women and four men were sent, one at a time, onto a college campus. Each approached strangers of the opposite sex, and said: “I have been noticing you around campus. I find you to be very attractive.” They then invited the strangers either to go on a date, or to come over to their apartment, or to have sex with them.
This experiment was performed twice, and the results produced were very similar on both occasions (which indicates that the data is reliable). The report concludes: “The great majority of men were willing to have a sexual liaison with the women who approached them. Not one woman agreed to a sexual liaison.”
What this study says about men (who were more likely to want to have sex than go on a date!) I’ll leave up for grabs. However, not one woman – approached during the day and presumably while sober – would agree to have sex with a stranger. Today, as per books like Sex and the Soul, and Dr. Miriam Grossman too, we learn this sort of thing is happening way more than it should to negative effect.
And for this (to bring this post full circle) I blame binge drinking, at least in part.

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