If I am to eat what I grow that would currently mean a diet made up exclusively of basil leaves (thank you, yes, my small herb garden has really taken off).
Fun piece, and not just because my friend Brian Lilley also mentions People for the Ethical Treatment of People. (Buy a shirt.)
The main claim is that the seals are inhumanely treated, yet some of the main groups behind the push to ban the seal hunt, like PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, are nothing more than radical animal rights activists hoping to get all of us to become vegetarian. Quite frankly I’m more likely to get behind People for the Ethical Treatment of People.

PETA should really be exposed for what they are. Wesley Smith has written about them extensively. In the last year, they have managed to place 5 of the animals that came into their protection; the others (95% of the total) were euthanised. The reasons they give are that the animals were not well enough to be placed, that no vegetarians could be found (they will not give animals to meat eaters). They seem to neglect the fact that cats have to eat meat or them become blind.
PETA is a completely misguided organization driven by some insane mandate. They are completely nuts and I advocate telling everyone about their craziness ASAP.
And I am an animal lover.
I, too, had heard that they euthanize far more animals than they place. This whole idea that a life is not worth living unless it will be lived in super-optimal conditions (and who gets to decide what constitutes super-optimum conditions?) has got to be exposed and ridiculed.