Oh dear. A kerfuffle. Turkeys slaughtered while the governor yaks on. Is this a major faux-pas, or, as Mark Steyn called it, “a great teaching moment”? I admit I don’t think it’s so great a backdrop for a media availability. But the reactions of horror from sophisticated urbanites who blanch at the mere idea of blood (what do they do these people, eat animals that aren’t dead yet?) make me giggle. And I’m a latte-drinking urbanite myself.
I think I’ll be on Sarah’s side this time again (what, you’re surprised?). Here’s the video. Warning: it’s a bit gross.

I don’t get why Palin is to blame for this… the photographer should be picking where he films her–he’s the one responsible for how it looks. It’s amusing how the guy in the background is watching her, though. He’s not a very efficient turkey killer.
This is tooooo funny, she knows exactly what is going on in the back, she’s sticking it to all those folks who go to their clean grocery store with their packaged meat, who want to have no clue that what they just scarfed down was a real animal just a few days ago. You go girl.