This morning I read a few stories about the three Cleveland women who have been freed from years of captivity and I’m sure unimaginable untold horrors. It’s hard to read. I can’t imagine what they went through.
In following that story, I came across two interviews with Elizabeth Smart, the young woman who was kidnapped, raped and beaten for nine months before police found her.
In the interviews she speaks about the inherent worth and value of all people, and encourages victims to recognize that they are not what has happened to them. She also talks about prevention strategies. She explains why she and people who have been kidnapped or trafficked sometimes haven’t escaped when others thought they could have. She’s a powerful and gracious speaker. I’d encourage you to watch both interviews.
She offers a message of hope to victims and some wise counsel to those who want to support anti-human trafficking efforts.
And here’s a 12 minute talk that Smart gave at a forum on human trafficking.
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