This is a message you don’t hear very much anymore: men and women need to take equal responsibility for their actions.
From Rosemary Bottcher, in her essay, Feminism: Bewitched by Abortion, which was published in 1987:
Women who think they can’t be equal without their abortions forget that the law expects and requires that a man provide for his children, even though doing so may cause him much inconvenience. A man cannot demand that he be excused from his duty because his career might suffer. He can’t say, “I’m not ready for children,” or “I have enough already,” or “I don’t want that child.” He knew what he was doing when he did it and he should expect to be held accountable. Men are expected to be mature, and the mark of maturity is the willingness to accept the consequences of one’s actions, even though doing so may cause sacrifice and even hardships. Women who want equality can demand no less of themselves.
Rather, we now hear that men and women should be equally irresponsible for their actions.
From Elizabeth Brake, in her essay, Fatherhood and Child Support: Do Men Have a Right to Choose?, published in 2005:
The main point will be that if women’s partial responsibility for pregnancy does not obligate them to support a fetus, then men’s partial responsibility for pregnancy does not obligate them to support a resulting child.
It seems that we’re willing to sacrifice ourselves and our children in the name of sexual autonomy. We’re killing our children through abortions, shirking our responsibilities as adults and parents, and forfeiting our character, just to ensure that we can have sex any time with anyone. We do this in order to pretend that there are no life-changing consequences that can result from each sexual encounter, such as pregnancy and STDs.
Lea Singh says
Your last paragraph says it perfectly. Sad but true state of mankind…(that is, womynkind)….
Nicola says
The axiomatic assumption behind abortion rights is that adults have a right to consequence-free sex and that this right always trumps the right to life of the unborn child.
And if they have to kill their own children to achieve that so be it.
Of course, it’s never that simple, as many people discover after the fact. As Macbeth discovered it is one thing to commit murder to get what you want. It is another to walk away as though nothing has happened.
Chris says
I woke up in the middle of the night with this very short dream/fictitious story in my head.. I don’t know why but I wanted to put it somewhere and after a Google this post kind of fitted in with my story,.
Event at the automated unwanted pregnancy unit in the year 2107
Woman: Computer I have an unwanted pregnancy and would like to have it removed.
Computer:I can provide this service for you – automated fetal removal by teleportation – the most painless and quick method of fetal extraction.
To confirm you would like this extraction please sign the automated pad, and provide a voice signature.
Woman: Computer confirm I would like the fetal extraction.
Computer: The extraction is complete. This concludes your service of fetus removal by automated teleportation.
Women: Thanks computer – is that it?
Computer: Yes the procedure was completed successfully. Additional note – the father has made a claim on the fetus. The fetus has now been moved into an artificial birthing chamber.
The child will be born on September 21st 2107. As you have rejected the child the primary care giving will be provided by the father. An automated debit of 20% of your earnings has been set on your account for 24 years to provide for child through until college graduation
Your body is now yours alone. Support services are available at the support terminal as you leave the building – thank you for using this service.