Sorry about the lack of blogging–although perhaps you didn’t even notice in light of Faye’s most excellent posts. I was away on vacation. Yes, it was warm. I thought about blogging, but “Hey, it’s almost too warm today” and “Blogging poolside” seemed like cruel things to write for a largely Canadian audience in late February.
Anyhoo, it’s back to the grind, as they say, and I must have missed this article by Barbara Kay about the different types of feminism so I’m linking to it now. Seems to me that we ought to be more aware of the different ways in which women can be empowered, instead of kowtowing to just one brand of feminism, with everyone else who thinks a little bit differently being relegated to the “misogynist” file. Which currently seems to be the trend.
Summers concludes that this champion of a feminism “that granted women the liberty to be themselves without ceasing to be women” might, if she had not been “brushed out of women’s history,” be a role model for many women today.

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