Or maybe it’s just me cackling. For I find these women funny. First they get all puffy about feminism, then they advise women on the proper care and feeding of husbands (if you’ll forgive the expression – thanks, Dr. Laura), which apparently includes picking up their socks and making them coffee. Which perhaps goes a touch far the other way. Still, this feminist has finally realized one thing worth realizing:
Asked if she thinks feminism has destroyed women, the author of The Lives and Loves of a She Devil and Puffball claimed that there are fundamental differences between the sexes.
She added that men should not be given such a hard time by career-minded women.
‘Life is much better, because you are not dependent on the goodwill of men,’ she continued, referring to the growth of women in the workplace.
But the trouble is, the battle became too fierce, and the whole culture encouraged women to believe that men are stupid, useless creatures who are the enemy.
‘But men nowadays aren’t s***. They’re actually much nicer.
‘They just don’t want to commit to you, and why would they when you are a busy working woman who can look after yourself and probably goes to bed easily with them?’
[h/t Kathy Shaidle]
fern hill says
Wow. An anti-feminist gets a clue. Anti-feminists shriek ‘where are the feminists?’ and ‘the feminist say blahblah’ all the time painting millions of women and men with the same brush. There are actually lots of differences — some pretty big ones — among feminists.
Andrea Mrozek says
Yes, there are differences between types of feminists. Like the difference between a pro-life and a pro-choice feminist. Right?
fern hill says
Pro-life feminist? Mythical entity like ‘post-abortion syndrome’ fabricated by anti-choicers/anti-feminists trying to co-opt the language and work of decades and millions of women.
Cynthia M. says
“There are actually lots of differences — some pretty big ones — among feminists.”
Oh really?!? Pray tell, what “big differences” are there among feminists? That is…among those whom *you* decide are worthy to carry the title of feminists.
Funny how a woman can agree with virtually every other mantra that “feminists” espouse, but if she happens to also be pro-life, the pro-abortion feminists strip her of the title of “feminist”. You’ve got to wonder who appointed them arbiters of the title? It must have been self-appointed – because tens of thousands of pro-life feminists were never consulted as to who had the right to designate who can or cannot be called a feminist.
There are those of us who worked our proverbial backsides off decades ago to achieve academic degrees that were considered to belong to men only. What about the women who worked long and hard to gain the right to vote, the right to education, the rights to be treated fairly and equally? All of us who worked hard to ensure that we could be regarded with the same rights and dignity as men…..well, apparently if we were helpful in moving the feminist movement forward, but also happen to believe that abortion is harmful to women, well, we instantly and magically become “anti-feminists”. That is, according to those who would choose to pretend that we are merely mythical entities.
Hail hail. I am proud to be one of those whom myths are made of!! 🙂
Matthew N says
So if I get this straight, Andrea is wrong to be amused that a woman says it’s okay for feminists to think that men and women are fundamentally different (a true statement, yet one contrary to what many feminists have used to beat society over the head with for the last 20-30 years), whereas you are right to be amused that a woman says it’s okay for feminists to think that abortion is wrong (as if none of the women who’ve fought for womens rights over the years have ever opposed abortion).
I guess with your hands over your ears like that, it’s hard to hear the sound of your own hypocracy.
Andrea Mrozek says
Sounds to be a sort of limited, confined diversity in feminist thought. (Think freely, just not about abortion?)…Give me liberty or give me death, I say. Not that I’m being melodramatic or anything.
Matthew N says
My bad, it was Brigitte who was originally amused.
Brigitte Pellerin says
And never has my cackling generated so many comments! I am doubly amused now.
Andrea Mrozek says
I hope it generates more–I’m trying to figure out what feminism is today versus what it once was. And I always have the ongoing debate (in my head–there’s lots going on up there!) about whether to use that term or not.
fern hill says
I’m using ‘pro-life’ in your sense which equals anti-abortion. Of course, a feminist could be opposed to abortion — for herself. A feminist would not impose her view on others. That’s why we call ourselves pro-choice. Everyone makes her or his own choice when it comes to her or his own body. No one gets to force anyone to bear a child or have an abortion or eat chocolate ice cream.
I read this site occasionally (obviously). If you people wanted to be more credible, you’d denounce the lying liars among the so-called pro-life crowd. You know, the ones who promote lies like abortion = breast cancer, abortion = mental illness, etc.
I think at least one of you has disagreed with the idiocy of abortion = genocide. I may be wrong. . .
But since at least one of you is paid by Focus on the Family, I guess you can’t break ranks.
Andrea Mrozek says
The thing is feminists do force others to do things they agree with… Everyone does, to be fair, and feminists are no exception.
And conceiving/bearing a child is not quite the same as eating ice cream, precisely because it involves life, something the early feminists were well aware of.
I’ve researched the mental health and abortion link substantially–and there are definitely pro-choice psychologists who don’t believe the APA (be it the American Psychological Association or the American Psychiatric Association) line is correct. (David Fergusson, for one.) Politics plays a major role at associations like those, speaking of “ranks.”
Finally, PWPL is a private unpaid hobby, conceived so that there would be freedom of thought to seek out the truth. I made sure we were unaffiliated from, well, just about anything, so you’ll have to trust me on that as the founding director.
Brigitte Pellerin says
I must confess: I do get paid. Yes, sometimes Andrea buys me Starbucks coffee. I’m not sure where she gets the money from, and I sure won’t ask (nudge nudge wink wink). So of course I agree with everything she says, and that’s my choice. I will impose it on anyone else if it gets me more Starbucks coffee.
fern hill says
Gee, Andrea, it says right here https://www.prowomanprolife.org/the-women/ that you are an employee of the Institute of Marriage and the Family, which is funded by Focus on the Family. Wouldn’t that be a teeensy little conflict if your opinions differed from the fetus fetishizers’?
Those so-called pro-choice studies have been debunked repeatedly by real scientists. Go read my links. The studies are fatally flawed.
Andrea Mrozek says
I have read your links, and I appreciate your writing in here.
I also read the American Psychological Association report of last year in full, plus many, though not all, of the associated studies. I read both sides extensively.
The APA cites one study in defence of their view that there are limited repercussions for mental health after abortion (not even the APA says there are NO repercussions for mental health after abortion) One study is not enough to come to a robust conclusion, however.
I did write about that for my day job, here:
Lots to read, and I’ll readily admit it’s easy to get trapped in ideological homogeneity due to the worlds we build around us through friends, community, work… Thanks for writing here.
Mary Ann says
As a highly educated university instructor with the ability to think critically and logically, and also as a woman who because of “non-consensual” sex found herself pregnant and now have a teen age daughter of beauty and grace and brains herself, I find the term “fetish fetishizer” incredibly offensive.
How dare Fern Hill demean those people who have the fortitude and character to actually pause, even agonize, over a fetus inside themselves and its fate? There is ample evidence, in National Geographic specials etc. of the “wonder” and “miracle” of growing fetuses in the womb. What kind of a woman will demean those women and men who still have the ability to be morally aware and open to the important questions of life by a stupid, lazy term like that?
I find Fern Hill’s tone snotty, condescending and her post replete with blanket, absolutist statements like “Go read my links. The studies are fatally flawed” and “I guess you people can’t break ranks.” I’m not sure why Andrea would bother to thank her for writing. I would personally say, “Piss off,” until you can learn some elementary good manners and acquire some basic reasoning skills. Otherwise you are just name-calling.
Choice can only go so far. If I can legally kill my fetus why can’t I kill the neighbour’s dog who keeps me up all night with its barking and I can’t kill my friend’s ex-husband who has been making her life hell for years and will continue to do so?
Fetus Fetishizer but not Dog Fetishzer or Evil Man Fetishizer