Feminists all over the globe, apparently, can’t stand to see pro-life groups be awarded for helping women. The Israeli anti-abortion group Efrat has the temerity to help women who are ambivalent about abortion to have their children by offering money and support. Apparently, some find this offensive and will be protesting the award.Meanwhile, Efrat as an organization was an early inspiration for this website.
I have no clue what the significance of the Jerusalem Prize is, but I’m glad that the organizers are not backing down:
byIn a statement on the website of Arutz 7, which own B’Sheva, B’Sheva director David (Dudu) Sa’ada said the organization would not back down despiter pressure.“We found it especially necessary to award them the prize this year because of the unfair opposition from the public and media over the past year,” he said.
Melissa says
Of course, we all know that abortion advocates would NEVER prey on a woman in an emotional and vulnerable time.
The accusation goes both ways, folks.
Jon says
We also all know that abortion advocates would NEVER harm innocent children.
a reader says
Awaiting moderation at the Canada Immigration Blog for its article of January 3, “The Measure of Canada’s Compassion,” is my comment:
“It is true that the measure of a society lies in its treatment of its weakest and most helpless citizens. Canada has no law against abortion, and every day hundreds of Canadians die. Their predicament underlines the challenges faced by pre-born Canadians. Congratulations to Sri Lanka, which protects its weakest and most helpless citizens.”
I doubt that my comment has much chance of publication there, but it’s not completely irrelevant here, especially as it points out another instance of the irony Melissa noticed above.