Pro-life blogger Pat Maloney and her lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos continue their fight to have generalized abortion stats released to those paying for them, you know, the tax payers.
“I have tried numerous times to get the government to provide me with reasons why they did it. They refuse to. I even met with my MPP Madeleine Meilleur on this issue. She couldn’t (or wouldn’t) tell me why abortion services were excluded. She told me to contact then Minister of Health Deb Matthews, which I did. She also refused to provide me with a reason,” she told LifeSiteNews.
Maloney and her lawyer Polizogopoulos argue that the whole purpose of the quietly-passed Bill 122 was ostensibly to “improve transparency and accountability,” not to “be a blanket ban on generalized, non-identifying data for a taxpayer funded medical procedure.”
They argue that the Ministry of Health and the Information and Privacy Commissioner erred in denying the release of abortion stats on the grounds that providing them would contravene the newly enacted law. The error violated Maloney’s right to freedom of information, expression, and of the press, the factum submitted to the Superior Court states.
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