I don’t have many details yet but apparently four students were arrested by campus police as they set up their pro-life display at Carleton University this morning.
Rebecca adds: Wow, we’re lucky to live in a country facing absolutely no threats from terrorism, organized crime, or random violence. Because if any of those were serious problems, there’s no way police would be spending precious time arresting people for saying unpopular things, right?
Correction and Update: There’s a short article in the Ottawa Sun, here. Five students were arrested by Ottawa City Police, not campus security.

This is so outrageous. So much for freedom of speech and thought.
There are photos on the Facebook page for The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.
A couple of years ago on the 20th anniversary of the Morgentaler decision, I took my children out of school and brought them to Parliament Hill to join in the protest. At the time, their ages were 10, 9, 7 and 5. I didn’t know in advance that they would be there, but some of the posters used by the Genocide Awareness Project were present on the Hill. Banners and posters displaying images that my children were suddenly confronted with.
Graphic? Yes. Disturbing? Yes. But truthful? Yes!
I was ‘forced’ to explain to my young children what the images were. And yet, they were fully capable of understanding. In fact, the 7 and 10 year old volunteered to hold either end of one of the banners to help keep it upright. They didn’t want it slumping or slouching in the middle — They wanted everyone to be able to see the image in all its glaring truthfulness.
Four young children could see the images and not dissolve into quivering masses of hysterics. But the university and city police are worried that the images will irrevocably harm the sensibilities of university-aged young adults? What kind of adults are we molding in Ottawa? Let alone in Canada.
Universities are supposed to be the champions of free-speech and diverse thinking. Apparently only “certain” kinds of free-speech and only a “subsection” of diverse thinking are allowed however. Kind of like certain totalitarian dictatorships that we read about in the news…..
I didn’t know about the Carleton arrests until I heard the story (and saw the video clip) on the Michael Coren show on Wednesday night. I have been aware that Pro-Life groups have been under attack–often having their student funding removed–across Canada, but this event confirmed for me how aggressively some universities have decided to move against a few select groups, but especially the Pro-Life cause. I am a professor at the University of Ottawa, just down the road from Carleton, and I am both impressed by the dedication of these students and alarmed by the hypocrisy and totalitarianism of the university administration. Shame on them.