BEIJING, China – A pregnant woman in south China was detained, beaten and forced to have an abortion just a month before her due date because the baby would have violated the country’s one-child limit, her husband said Thursday.
Construction worker Luo Yanquan said his wife was taken kicking and screaming from their home by more than a dozen people on Oct. 10 and detained in a clinic for three days by family planning officials, then taken to a hospital and injected with a drug that killed her baby. Family planning officials told the couple they weren’t allowed to have the child because they already have a 9-year-old daughter, Luo said.
We are so used to hearing about the one-child policy that I don’t think it quite registers how the mere presence of this law is repressive. Even if no one were ever taken away kicking and screaming, it would still be horrifying, because it is contrary to fundamental human desires to have a family.
And to think, Marie Stopes International is expanding their presence there.
Update: You can see a news report about this case, here.

Heartrending YouTube Video Shows Personal Tragedy of China’s Cruel One-Child Policy
Contact: Tessa Dale, All Girls Allowed, 617-275-9176, [email protected]
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