The question for Trudeau, asks George Jonas, is this:
I wonder if young Mr. Trudeau has ever noticed that women are split right down the middle on this question of their “fundamental rights?”
I do not share his overall pessimism about Canada’s descent into a police state; but then again, he has actually lived through a police state and while my parents escaped one, I have not. And while I feel sidelined and misunderstood as a so-called “so-con,” neither do I feel that I have hit the point of being diagnosed with a psychiatric condition.
I believe that turning the tide on the life issue in Canada will point us all toward greater freedom. I also believe that is precisely what is happening right now, hence my lack of pessimism.
David says
I think that the present state of the ‘world’ always has a tension with ‘freedom’ and ‘police state’ and democracy is not necessarily an antidote. If democracy is the rule of the majority then the minority is always at risk of being lesser citizens, Democracy works really well when a society has good common values. A danger in our present society is common values have been lost. The majority can now make lesser citizens of the minority while it promotes the values it likes. Moreover, if those values mean the contrary minded are unacceptable then subjugating the contrary minded is necessary. So we see the problems with ‘The Human Rights commissions’ and ‘media’ and their particular persuasion on social issues. Though this may not look like a police state as the dominating forces trumpet their values as ‘freedom’, ‘tolerance’ and ‘progressive’ it can, and does at times, become tyranny for those who see things differently and are declared restrictive, intolerant and living in the past.