It hit the news today that a Conservative MP seeking re-election, Brad Trost (SK) said that Planned Parenthood was denied funding because they support abortion.
First of all, we don’t actually know that Planned Parenthood was denied funding.
Secondly, there are pro-life MPs in this country because there are pro-lifers in this country. This is not shocking. Pro-life Canadians look for pro-life candidates to represent them. Brad Trost is one of them.
Thirdly, too bad Stephen Harper is more concerned with control than free speech. Brad Trost should be allowed to say what he wants, because he represents pro-life constituents, and is pro-life. There are pro-lifers, both Liberal and Conservative (and even NDP! gasp!) and this is, again, not shocking. They should be allowed to speak freely. And they should work to defund pro-abortion agencies of government money. In point of fact, we should not be paying for abortions through state-funded medical care. Talk about controversial politics, but that would be my first move if I were a politician, which I’m not. If you want abortion, don’t make me pay for it. (It’s the pro-life version of “if you don’t like abortion, don’t have one” so often thrust my way by angry pro-choicers.) I digress.
It’s entirely disappointing when abortion becomes so taboo that no one can mention it, period, without the media and some politicos getting their knickers in a knot.
A final thought: This will continue to happen, every single election campaign so long as we continue to pretend that the “issue is settled.”
Here ends the rant.
Dan says
This issue is far from settled. Politicians only wish it were settled because they are afraid to deal with it.
I think maybe we should be focussing on the humanity of the unborn child/fetus/embryo rather than focussing on one (albeit egregious) consequence of denying that humanity. Indeed, there are other consequences that are potentially even worse than abortion. For example, imagine what will happen shortly after someone invents a real treatment based on human embryonic stem cells (thankfully, none exists at the moment, despite years of research). Our politicians won’t have the backbone to stand up to what will be demanded next, namely embryo farming in order to harvest stem cells. Whereas abortion has killed millions, embryos could and would (eventually) be farmed and harvested by the billions.
Mariette Ulrich says
The liberal media seem shocked that prolife people are trying to influence policy. In a democracy, shouldn’t everyone? They are in fact shocked that prolife people should have political opinions and aspirations. (Isn’t there “social peace” on abortion?) It’s not like this is North Korea, where there is only one official way to think… oh wait…