My heart aches for Myah but as an expectant mom myself, I KNOW she did the right thing. She will NEVER regret Faith’s life, but she would have regretted ending it before it had begun. Myah’s life will be beyond blessed, I believe, for her obedience, and those around her will continuously benefit from the overflow of love the Lord has shown her in the past 3 months. Because of her decision to be like Christ in her unconditional love toward her precious daughter, regardless of fetal anomaly, people Myah will never know will be inspired by Faith’s short life and Myah’s faith in God.
My heart aches for Myah but as an expectant mom myself, I KNOW she did the right thing. She will NEVER regret Faith’s life, but she would have regretted ending it before it had begun. Myah’s life will be beyond blessed, I believe, for her obedience, and those around her will continuously benefit from the overflow of love the Lord has shown her in the past 3 months. Because of her decision to be like Christ in her unconditional love toward her precious daughter, regardless of fetal anomaly, people Myah will never know will be inspired by Faith’s short life and Myah’s faith in God.
Thank you for featuring this.