Opponents of these very straight forward ads have written a petition against them saying this:
Women deserve to be confident with the choices they make and not be put down because they made a decision they felt was right,” wrote petition creator Hilary Murphy. ”Abortion is a human right in Canada. Whether you are pro-life, pro-choice, or pro-abortion, it is a right and is a medical procedure that is available for all women. “
My personal experience, also as a woman, is that when I truly feel I’ve made the right decision, there ain’t any putting me down, or breaking my confidence. But if I wasn’t truly sure, then it takes very little for me to feel bad about it.
(This is from January, but I still liked the ad. Simple truth.)

The pro choice group is using crowd funding to finance their ad campaign. That’s actually not a bad idea.
But, seriously, I don’t get it. “Luc was born today, but his life began nine months ago.”? That’s about as innocuous a statement as you can make! I understand that this debate is fraught with emotion, but if this sign is causing a post-abortive woman emotional distress, then, frankly, she hasn’t processed her abortion very well and probably could use some help.
What is amazing to me is the number of comments from people who claim that we are untruthful, they are in fact disagreeing with the fact that Luc’s life began nine months ago. The majority of those who support abortion are very ignorant of scientific facts. And it is a wilful blindness.
I was honestly very surprised by the response to this very positive ad. I’m, however, so glad that it has sparked an honest debate that hasn’t resulted in name calling and mud slinging.
Of Babes and Beatles in Canada
(a parody of track 33 on the album Love)
Yesterday your survival was in doubt, but–hey!–
Now it looks as though you’re here to stay.
O, you were born just yesterday!
Suddenly you’ve become a person legally;
No one doubts you have a right to be.
O, yesterday came suddenly.
Why you had to go?
I don’t know: she wouldn’t say.
You were something wrong;
You’re not wrong since yesterday.
Yesterday you were just a queasy pain to pay;
Now she cannot throw your hide away.
We must bereave since yesterday.