KANSAS CITY – A man accused of gunning down one of America’s few late-term abortion providers was found guilty of first-degree murder on Friday after he said he had to act to stop the doctor from performing more abortions.
Scott Roeder, 51, was convicted of first-degree murder and aggravated assault by a Wichita, Kansas jury which deliberated for just over 30 minutes. The case attracted anti-abortion protesters from around the nation to support Roeder.
Well, that may be. But this anti-abortion protester does not support murder, no matter who’s committing it.
billy d says
Interesting that the article asserts four times that abortion opponents supported Roeder’s actions before it even mentions that there were some “other anti-abortion groups” who didn’t. Chalk this one up next to Rick Sanchez trying to portray the 37th annual March for Life in Washington DC as a mixture of pro-life and pro-choice demonstrations, saying he was “unsure which side is represented the most.”
Also, although the article states that the DA was going for a life sentence, it would have been highly ironic if Roeder had been executed for murdering Tiller: We’re going to kill you to prove that killing people who kill people is wrong.
I’m with you, Brigitte. Violence is almost never the answer.
Bob Devine says
That guy planned and carried out a murder. He admitted doing it. If they do not execute him he should never see the outside of his prisons door ever.
lwestin says
“That guy planned and carried out a murder. He admitted doing it. If they do not execute him he should never see the outside of his prisons door ever.”
I guess that’s about how Roeder sees it himself. Unfortunately, he wasn’t willing to wait for the verdict.