Friends, countrymen (and women), lend me your ear. PWPL is going on a summer holiday. It’s our first official break since we started in January 2008.
We shall return to our regularly scheduled blogging in August.

Friends, countrymen (and women), lend me your ear. PWPL is going on a summer holiday. It’s our first official break since we started in January 2008.
We shall return to our regularly scheduled blogging in August.
Happy holiday, all of you!
Just saw this this morning, and am hoping that you guys will cover it 🙂
On one hand it makes sense that if you don’t spend as long working you will get paid less/taking time off from your career can sidetrack it, but on the other hand there are women out there who are going to choose not to have the children that they have conceived because of the very real devastating effect that it will have on their career.