Today, March 25, is “National Back Up Your Birth Control Day,” south of the border. Celebrate by getting Plan B emergency contraception at a great discount. Read more here.
No mention as to whether they’ll be giving out balloons and cotton candy.
Plan B emergency contraception provides a larger dose of the same hormones found in birth control pills…
Those hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Don’t worry, though. I’m sure it isn’t the same estrogen and progesterone which have been shown in extended doses to contribute to coronary heart disease and invasive breast cancer, just to name a few.
As part of this momentous celebration, Planned Parenthood will also be “lobbying members of Congress to permit over-the-counter access to EC regardless of age.”
What a proud day for women everywhere! Ladies, mark your calendars. This is something to be sure to celebrate every year.
Andrea adds: It is very difficult to view unfettered access to Plan B for any age as being pro-woman and on this it really doesn’t matter whether you are pro-life or pro-choice. Many of the women using Plan B repeatedly are young girls–not women. Marketing the morning-after pill like this makes it sound as though it’s a piece of cake. You take a pill, et voila! your problem disappears. But many girls can’t tolerate those high doses of hormones and end up throwing up. At which point, one can’t be sure the pill stayed down. So back for a second over-the-counter dose. Repeat the agony, which is heightened because you are alone (no doctor’s supervision is the whole point). That’s not health care. That’s a joke.
Andrea adds again: It’s also International Day of the Unborn Child. I’ll admit though, that whether on my side or the other side, “International Days” of most kinds don’t thrill me. I gather this day aims to change our culture, to recognize and accept the unborn, and I’m glad.
The day was expressly started on the Feast of the Annunciation, making this particular day for the unborn more or less a Roman Catholic celebration. That’s not to say it couldn’t broaden out, but I firmly believe we need all peoples and faiths to join the fight against abortion, and I’m not sure that linking pro-life events to Roman Catholic holy days will achieve this goal. (I’m well aware that other faiths are not exactly out there leading the charge on this one, so I appreciate the RCs doing it.) Some convoluted thoughts then, on this day for the unborn. Would that we lived in a culture where such a day was completely unnecessary.
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