I usually listen to the CBC in the car but I am sick of hearing about soccer, Israel and the oil spill. I don’t care about soccer, the coverage of Israel is superficial and one-sided and I don’t want to hear one more thing about BP until somebody admits that we need off-shore drilling to maintain our cheap-stuff addicted economy. Mark my words: we will feel sorry for the birds until the next gas price hike. Let’s see how quickly we cry for off-shore drilling when the litre of gas goes over $1.30 again. But I digress.
Have you listened to pop radio lately? The nice thing about pop radio is that it generally steers clear of too much talk and politics. A little bit of soccer maybe. Definitely no Israel and they may have mentioned the oil spill in passing… as in “Have you guys seen to cool pictures of the oil spill on Google earth???” Pop radio is also entertaining for the relationship snapshots also known as pop songs. Maybe I’m getting old (I’m on the downhill side of 35) but things ain’t what they used to be. When our grand-parents were young, they met, dated, fell in love, got engaged, married, had sex and finally had children. When our parents were young, they met, dated, fell in love, had sex, got engaged, married and had children. When we were young (well, some of my peers are still “young” by that definition) we met, had sex, dated, got pregnant, fell in love, maybe had children, possibly got engaged and may or may not married. And I thought THAT was complicated. But my children, if this song by Down With Webster is any indication, will have sex, meet, date, get famous, and marry:
Two months ago I saw your face, two weeks ago I’m at your place, two days ago I had you by the waist, the next thing you know we hit the floor, two days from now you’ll be my chick, two weeks from now I’ll make you famous, two months from now you’ll be my Miss, and we’ll throw it down, like we do now.”
Girls, marrying only two months after he’s made you famous is Just. Too. Early. That’s my relationship advice. And speaking of hitting the floor with strangers, here is another piece of precious relationship advice, this one inspired by Katy Perry’s summer smash hit California Girls: Waiting to have sex until you are (a) old enough; and (b) in a committed relationship, ideally married, means that you will be able to do it in the comfort of your own home. Not in a public place with your shoes on. *Cringe*:
Sex on a beach
We get sand in our stilettos”
Is it me or in real life, walking the beach in stilettos would earn you more laughs than indecent proposals??

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