New evidence reveals President Richard Nixon believed abortion was necessary for mixed-race babies.
There are times when an abortion is necessary,” he told his aide Chuck Colson. “I know that. When you have a black and a white.” Mr Colson offered that rape might also make an abortion legitimate, prompting Mr Nixon to respond: “Or a rape.”
Not to dwell on uncomfortable and pesky details, since the pro-abortion crowd has definitely and successfully rebranded under sunny words like “choice” and “equality” but the “abortion-rights” movement is founded in assertions like that one. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, has a host of on-the-record comments like Nixon’s, and worse.
I’m glad that this atrocious comment from Nixon is making the news–let’s just not forget he was definitely not alone. Shady characters made abortion popular.
(On a different note, one of my favourite books is Born Again by Chuck Colson. Ignore the title–I picked it up in spite of that–and it’s an absolutely riveting look inside the Nixon Whitehouse through Colson’s eyes.)
Brigitte adds: Ha! I was just about to write on the same topic. I was going to say that it sure sounds funny to talk about mixed-race babies like that, eh? (And no, I don’t mean funny-ha-ha.) Of course nowadays we just say that although we know it’s a human being in there, the “choice” of whether that human being lives or dies is a private one involving the pregnant woman and pretty much no one else. I wonder how strange that will sound in 35 years?
Rebecca adds: Most of the western world is horrified at the idea that a fetus be a candidate for termination based on its race. How is it really that different to declare it disposable because of a medical condition, or its sex, or the finances of its parents? I hope that in a generation, we recoil at that idea as much as we do now at the idea of terminating a mixed race baby simply because it’s mixed race.
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